Chapter Five DLC for Killzone: Liberation, which you can freely download here for the European version. To install Chapter Five of Killzone: Liberation, please follow the instructions below carefully:
1. Connect your PlayStation Portable to your PC via USB Mode, or place your PSP’s Memory Stick in the memory card reader of your PC.
2. Navigate to the/ PSP/GAME/ folder on your Memory Stick, and create a new subfolder within it called UCUS98646 (if you have the US version) or UCES00279 (if you have the European version).
a. If there is no GAME subfolder within the /PSP/ folder, create one first.
b. If there already is a UCUS98646 or UCES00279 subfolder within the /PSP/GAME/ folder, skip this step.
3. Extract the files inside the downloaded Chapter 5 archive to the folder you created in step 2.
4. Exit USB Mode, or place the Memory Stick back in your PlayStation Portable.
5. Start Killzone: Liberation and go to the ‘Downloads’ option in the main menu.
6. The PSP web browser will open. Cancel and exit the browser by pressing the ’Circle’ button.
7. Killzone: Liberation will detect the new content and attempt to install it.
8. You’re done! Note that there will now be a new “Killzone: Liberation Update” icon in the Memory Stick section of your XMB; please do not delete it, as this will prevent you from accessing Chapter Five.